Creating a Vision for Your Future

Seeing the ideal future can come to some people as naturally as looking out the window, with the ideal career and pathway to go for it. But others may find themselves lost in a fog, unable to see farther than the next day or week. With so much pressure as a student at any stage, […]
Sleep Training: How to Develop Positive Sleep Habits

Sleep training is something that everyone should do! It impacts nearly every aspect of our lives, from our mood and energy levels to our ability to focus and even our overall health. If you’ve ever woken up feeling groggy and irritated, it’s likely because you didn’t get enough quality sleep. Poor sleep can affect emotional […]
Reset Your Mindset and Beat the January Blues

For many people, January is a bit like the Monday of the year. It’s cold, the weather is gloomy and it definitely feels harder to get excited about! Then three weeks into the year we’re hit with Blue Monday, which is known to be the most depressing day of the year… Now, you may be […]
Why You Should Set New Year’s Intentions Instead of Resolutions

The start of a new year feels like the perfect time to make changes. Everyone’s talking about goals and resolutions, but here’s a fun fact: it’s estimated that over 90% of resolutions fail within the first few months. That’s not because you’re lazy or unmotivated; it’s because resolutions can be too harsh, too big, or […]
Christmas is Over… Now What? How to Plan for the New Year

So, Christmas is over. You’ve unwrapped the gifts, devoured the food, and binge-watched every festive movie under the sun. Now, here you are, caught in that weird limbo period between Christmas and New Year. What are you supposed to do with yourself? Are you supposed to be productive? Relax? Or just sit on the sofa […]
The Gift of Gratitude – Our Year at the Future Toolbox
What better gift is there than a whole year of great moments to reflect on? We’ve done it, a whole 12 months have gone by with only a week left until 2025! But we’re not done with 2024 just yet and there’s so much to discuss… Think about all of the things that have happened. […]
Fun Ways to Embrace the Festive Season

The festive season is often described as “the most wonderful time of the year,” but the reality is that it doesn’t always feel that way for everyone. While some people are busy celebrating, others might be feeling overwhelmed, lonely, or stressed. If this resonates with you, know that you’re not alone. Whether you’re excited, feeling […]
All I Want for Christmas is… a Break!

The Christmas countdown has officially begun! You might be feeling the excitement already… the holiday lights are up, your friends are talking about what they’re doing over the break, and maybe you’re planning out some gifts. It’s a fun time, right? But here’s the thing: while the holidays can be full of joy and laughter, […]
How Does Storytelling Improve your Memory?

Storytelling is a powerful tool for learning and what better time to celebrate that than the holiday season! A time when we are all sat around the TV, watching old Christmas movies, and hoping snow will cancel school tomorrow. We consume so many stories from books, TV, films, video games, and podcasts we listen to. […]
Finding Your Purpose When You’re Not Sure Where to Begin

Figuring out what you want to do with your life, and finding your purpose can feel like a massive challenge. For some, the future seems so far away that it’s hard to even know where to start. For others, the pressure of choosing a path and setting goals can feel overwhelming. Maybe you have a […]