G is for Gratitude – Attitude to Gratitude

What are you grateful for? It is nearly the end of another year, so this is a fantastic time to look back over the year and recognise what you have in your life and what you have achieved. Maybe you met someone new, started a new hobby, got a promotion, found a new walking route […]

C is for Community

Christmas is a time of year to connect with the people around you to create a sense of community. It is known as a time for giving, but this should be for more than just giving presents. It’s about giving back to the community and supporting the people around you, no matter their situation.  You […]

K is for Kindness – Treating People Kindly

Treat others how you wish to be treated – be kind!  Kindness is defined as a ‘quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate without expecting praise or something in return.’ So, with that in mind, think about the acts of kindness you can do to improve someone else’s day. Showing others kindness can boost their confidence, happiness and optimism. Being […]

E is for Exercise – Staying Fit

You probably know this about us already, but if you don’t, we love to exercise. For Mark, in particular, this is one of his favourite topics to talk about because running has massively benefited his physical and mental health. So, when we say that exercise is a great way of ‘staying fit’, this includes your […]

B is for Balance – Work-Life Balance

October 10th is World Mental health day, and this week is National Work-Life balance week. So, we wanted to discuss how your work-life balance has such a major impact on your mental health and give you ways to keep the balance equal (as much as possible!). A work-life balance is about dividing and prioritising your time […]