Christmas is Over… Now What? How to Plan for the New Year

So, Christmas is over. You’ve unwrapped the gifts, devoured the food, and binge-watched every festive movie under the sun. Now, here you are, caught in that weird limbo period between Christmas and New Year. What are you supposed to do with yourself? Are you supposed to be productive? Relax? Or just sit on the sofa […]
Fun Ways to Embrace the Festive Season

The festive season is often described as “the most wonderful time of the year,” but the reality is that it doesn’t always feel that way for everyone. While some people are busy celebrating, others might be feeling overwhelmed, lonely, or stressed. If this resonates with you, know that you’re not alone. Whether you’re excited, feeling […]
How Does Storytelling Improve your Memory?

Storytelling is a powerful tool for learning and what better time to celebrate that than the holiday season! A time when we are all sat around the TV, watching old Christmas movies, and hoping snow will cancel school tomorrow. We consume so many stories from books, TV, films, video games, and podcasts we listen to. […]
How to Help Your Child Feel Motivated About School

It’s not uncommon for kids to lose interest in their studies or struggle to stay motivated when it comes to school. Perhaps your child has been showing signs of disengagement, avoiding their schoolwork, or expressing feelings of doubt about their abilities. As parents, it can be difficult to know how to respond. Watching your child […]
How to Spark Joy and Take Care of Your Wellbeing This Bonfire Night

Across the UK this week, the night sky is alight with fireworks, bonfires and celebrations! But despite all of the parties and fun, some people may find this time of year a little bit overwhelming. There is a lot of socialising, planning and organising that comes with these festive events and your personal life can […]
How To Create a Study Schedule You’ll Actually Stick To!

The start of a new school year feels like opening a brand-new chapter of your life. This is your chance to set new goals, focus on what you truly want to achieve, and create a plan to make it happen. You have a fresh start, filled with possibilities and exciting opportunities. If last year didn’t […]
Simple Self-Care Tips to Help You Relax this Summer

The summer will be coming to an end soon – how is it that time already?! And for many students, results day is upon us. Instead of spending your time worrying about the grades you are given on a piece of paper, albeit a rather important piece of paper, take the time to practice some […]
Looking Back to Look Forward

A phrase that we’ve used for years is, “You live your life forwards, but you learn it backwards.” Many of us are always striving for success. When you look forward, it’s a good idea to reflect back on the past too. Whether you are a student in education or a worker wanting to improve, self-reflection […]
Comfort is overrated! Benefits of stepping outside your comfort-zone

Though you may not recognise it, you could be sitting in a small box of your own making. It’s comfortable, calm and peaceful… much less scary than the unknown depths beyond the box. But it can be cramped and limiting, with barely any room for expansion or growth. This is the comfort zone. It’s good […]
Creative learning techniques to reduce academic stress

We’ve all experienced stress at some point in our lives, but it’s not particularly easy to describe. If stress becomes too much to manage, it can have a big impact on our mental health or make existing mental health problems feel harder to cope with. Stress might feel different to you than it does to […]