N is for Nutrition – At Breakfast

Between the 14th – 20th of November is Sugar Awareness Week, which raises awareness of the damaging effects of too much sugar in your diet. This year’s theme is ‘Breakfast’, which is the most important but sweetest meal of the day. Breakfast provides us with a great opportunity to start our day by consuming various essential nutrients, […]

E is for Exercise – Staying Fit

You probably know this about us already, but if you don’t, we love to exercise. For Mark, in particular, this is one of his favourite topics to talk about because running has massively benefited his physical and mental health. So, when we say that exercise is a great way of ‘staying fit’, this includes your […]

M is for Meditation – Dealing with Stress

People encounter stress every day, whether it is at work, school, or at home. You may usually be able to cope with stress, but sometimes it can become too much that you can break down because of it. On 2nd November, it is Stress Awareness Day. So, we want to talk about stress and how […]

D is for Dare – Giving Something up

This month people have been challenging themselves to Go Sober for October to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. We know that many of our readers are still in school, so they are too young to drink alcohol, or maybe you are a parent or teacher who doesn’t drink. So, we wanted to use this […]

R is for Resilience

The Oxford English Dictionary definition of resilience is ‘The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.’  Psychologists define it as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. People suffering from cancer, as you are most likely aware, have […]

B is for Balance – Work-Life Balance

October 10th is World Mental health day, and this week is National Work-Life balance week. So, we wanted to discuss how your work-life balance has such a major impact on your mental health and give you ways to keep the balance equal (as much as possible!). A work-life balance is about dividing and prioritising your time […]

The Z to A of Life Skills

Hello there, and welcome to the Future Toolbox’s Z to A of Life Skills. We’re excited to launch this brand-new blog alongside our first-ever podcast, which we recorded at Revolution Radio in Northampton. Each week, we’ll explore the Z to A of Life Skills. Each letter stands for a topic and essential tools to help […]