H is for Habits

We develop many habits throughout our lives. Some are good, and others are bad. So, what is a habit? A habit is an act that you repeat over and over again until you do it without thinking. Habits are linked to specific associations. You do one action because it is associated with another activity – […]

A is for Affirmations

What are affirmations? The Cambridge English Dictionary defines affirmations as ‘A statement or sign that something is true.’ Using affirmations can transform the way you think, help you increase your confidence and achieve those goals you set for yourself. You can use them whenever you want to make a positive change in your life. They’re great […]

G is for Goals – Accomplishing Goals

People can often have a love-hate relationship with goals. They are an excellent tool for motivation but can be frustrating when they are not attained. We are here to give you some tips on what you can do to help accomplish your goals. So, what is it that you want to accomplish this year? What do you […]

I is for Intentions

It is a new year, and the joy and festivities of Christmas are now over. Many of you might set a new year’s resolution to determine what you will change this year. The truth is that most of us set ourselves up for failure when it comes to new year’s resolutions because our lists are […]

G is for Gratitude – Attitude to Gratitude

What are you grateful for? It is nearly the end of another year, so this is a fantastic time to look back over the year and recognise what you have in your life and what you have achieved. Maybe you met someone new, started a new hobby, got a promotion, found a new walking route […]

C is for Community

Christmas is a time of year to connect with the people around you to create a sense of community. It is known as a time for giving, but this should be for more than just giving presents. It’s about giving back to the community and supporting the people around you, no matter their situation.  You […]

K is for Kindness – Treating People Kindly

Treat others how you wish to be treated – be kind!  Kindness is defined as a ‘quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate without expecting praise or something in return.’ So, with that in mind, think about the acts of kindness you can do to improve someone else’s day. Showing others kindness can boost their confidence, happiness and optimism. Being […]

F is for Feeling Festive

The Christmas countdown has well and truly started, and it’s time to get festive!  The build-up to the big day can be incredibly exciting, and there are so many things you can do to help get you in the festive mood. To begin with, get your Christmas jumpers out because on 8th December it is Christmas […]

T is for Teachers

When we were at school, we both had favourite teachers. They were the ones who made learning fun, and we looked forward to attending their lessons. If you’re a student in school or higher education, you may have a favourite too. For the parents reading this blog, perhaps you have a great teacher memory like […]

Z is for Zzz – Sleep Hygiene

Most teens would say their dream job is sleeping, yet they try and stay awake throughout the night. Eh, what’s all that about? Sleep is a vital component of self-care, ahead of diet and exercise. The benefits of good sleep include reduced stress, improved focus, memory and health. To make sure you consistently sleep well, sleep […]