The First Steps to Finding Your First Job

Image of a physical desk calendar with a sticky note attached to it. On the note someone has written "Start New Job!!"

You never forget your first job! Whether you’re fresh out the gates of school, or still studying, you might be looking to earn a little money for yourself. It can be scary at first, stepping into a new world of responsibilities. But to gain independence and start earning money for yourself? Amazing – Just don’t […]

Navigating Your Unique Career Path

Group of students walking together. They are laughing, smiling and chatting as they stroll.

So, you just finished your exams and have your eyes set on a dream job? Fantastic! But now what? When you leave school there are so many options and opportunities in front of you it can be difficult to know what route to take. Rather than focusing on a specific job, think about your unique […]

Make a Name for Yourself: How to Build Your Personal Brand

Teenage girl doodling on a chalkboard images of people, smiley faces arrows and other shapes. She is facing away from the camera and her hair is tied back in a low ponytail.

Exams are nearly over, and that means many young students like yourself are ready to take on the world! But where to even begin? Whether you’re looking to start your career, carry on with further education, or even taking a break, now is the time to start building your personal brand. What is a Personal […]

Exploring options after GCSEs – your educational journey

Teenage girl with shoulder length brown, curly hair is standing outdoors with her arms crossed

For many students, the most exciting thing about exploring options after GCSEs is that it’s all about what YOU want. You have the freedom to decide your future. For others, this can also seem a little bit… scary. There are so many pathways out there it can be tough to decide what’s best for you. […]

Is sleep the secret to better grades?

Teenage boy in a bunk bed sleeping.

Exam season is in full swing, exams left and right, so much revision to cram into every night! If this is you, on your fifth caffeinated drink* rereading the algebra coursebook, you may be experiencing burnout and tiredness. “But that’s just part of exams” some of you may be thinking, “you’ve got to push your […]

Dealing with pressure during exam season

There is a boiled egg on a platform has been hit by a spoon (positioned above the egg). There is a dent and cracks in the right hand side of the shell. The image represents the phrase 'don't crack under pressure'

We know exam season can be really overwhelming, especially when it feels like everyone has sky-high expectations for you – whether that’s getting grade 7-9 and nothing less, acing every subject, or nailing that perfect university application. The pressure is on, but guess what? It’s totally okay to take a deep breath and give yourself […]

6 techniques to improve your memory

Young girl sitting at a desk revising on her laptop. She has her hair tied back and is wearing headphones. Her arms are crossed and she is leaning her chin on her arms. She has a confused expression.

We’re about to enter exam season and hundreds and thousands of students will be navigating their last few weeks of revision. It’s quite a stressful time for everyone involved, so let’s take a look at how to make those final preparations for the big day. Even if you haven’t begun to revise yet, fear not; […]

What is self-expression, and why does it matter?

close-up of a girl holding an acoustic guitar

Do you feel like you’re living to work, instead of working to live? When you lead a busy life, it’s easy to get so wrapped up in your job or schoolwork that it starts to define who you are. It’s like work turns into a form of self-expression because everything centres around it. Work IS […]

The power of studying early – Stay one step ahead 

Three students studying in the library. Behind them is a wall covered by a bookcase. To the left is a man with brown shoulder length hair and glasses. In the center is a woman with an afro wearing a white shirt. To the right is a man with short curly hair wearing a dark t-shirt.

Let’s face it, studying for exams isn’t exactly the highlight of our lives. Many of us tend to procrastinate, finding every excuse to avoid the dull and challenging task of hitting the books. However, what if we told you there’s a way to make the process not only bearable but even enjoyable? The secret lies […]