Simple Self-Care Tips to Help You Relax this Summer

The summer will be coming to an end soon – how is it that time already?! And for many students, results day is upon us. Instead of spending your time worrying about the grades you are given on a piece of paper, albeit a rather important piece of paper, take the time to practice some self-care! Now is the time to unwind and come back as strong as ever. The thing is, once school starts, you head back into work, or you begin transitioning into higher education, life gets busy. There are so many things to prioritise that the idea of looking after ourselves slips to the back of our minds. In this blog, we’re going to share some Simple Self-Care Tips to Help You Relax this Summer!

Finding it hard to switch off?

If only it were as easy to clear our minds as it is to flip a switch! Unfortunately, things aren’t that simple. Now, it’s completely normal to reminisce about the past, or even think ahead and make plans for the future. The problem is that if you spend too much time on this, your thoughts can spiral, and you may begin to overthink things. It’s like our minds get stuck in worry mode – results day is a perfect example of this! Some students will have spent months trying to prepare for their exams. Even after results day, “what ifs” could still be lingering in your mind. It’s exciting to think about your next steps, but it’s also normal to feel nervous about your performance. You are not alone if you’ve been feeling like this throughout the summer. It can take some students a lot longer to relax than others. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to turn that switch…

Self-Care Tips to Help You Relax this Summer

1. Get a good night’s sleep

If you have been reading our past exam articles, we have always talked about how powerful sleep can be in recharging your mind and body. (You can read more about this here.) So, did you take that advice and get good sleep during your exams? It’s okay if not! You can start making up for it now.

During the holidays it can be challenging to maintain good sleep hygiene. Our schedules often get busier than usual, and we try to squeeze more activities into each day, which can be tiring. If you’re a night owl, staying up late and enjoying a lay-in the following day is tempting. It’s okay to do that now and then, but making sure you get plenty of sleep will give you more energy in the long run.

2.    Stay active

All that energy inside of you needs to go somewhere! Put it into something you like, such as hobbies or physical activities. You could take a walk around your local park, go for a morning run, explore new places, or perhaps join a sports club. Remember, this is about expelling some of that energy to relax, so don’t feel like you need to push yourself.

It doesn’t have to be physical either. You can keep your mind active on something totally unrelated to schoolwork. Explore a new interest or learn a new skill!  Binge-watch a documentary on a topic that you’ve never heard about. You could even take up a creative hobby like drawing or writing in your spare time.

3.    Be sociable

Summer is the perfect time to get out and experience new things and it’s often nice to have some company while you do so. Make new memories, let your hair down and enjoy some quality time with the people closest to you.

Catching up with friends is a great way to check in with each other. Enjoy the moment and talk about anything you want! It can also be good to set boundaries; for example, you could make a rule not to talk about business outside of work. It’s good to get your feelings out, but sometimes, it feels just as mentally draining as not talking about it. The decision is yours.

If you’re feeling nervous about results day, why not arrange to meet with some of your peers? Chat about your worries and experiences, or just enjoy your time together outside the classroom. Remember, adults have also been through the same thing. You can always speak to your parents, guardians, or teachers about your concerns if you feel comfortable enough to do so.

4.    Reward yourself (if you haven’t already)

This is a reminder to reward yourself after exams! You accomplished a great feat; now put your feet up and treat yourself. This can be anything from a day out with friends and family to buying yourself something nice; it doesn’t have to be big!

No matter the result, you still did it. With results can come many mixed emotions, from gratitude and excitement to frustration and disappointment. Regardless of your feelings, taking care of yourself and keeping your spirits up is crucial. Exams are the journey, not the destination. Celebrate the accomplishment, regardless of where your journey takes you next.

5.    Make self-care part of your daily routine

Self-care is vital when it comes to feeling happy and satisfied in our day-to-day lives. It can have a big impact on our physical health and mental well-being. Bringing small acts of kindness to your daily routine can significantly impact how you feel and function.

Download our FREE Self-care Tracker to chart your daily goals, record how long you slept, keep a tally of your water intake, plan balanced meals, note down any exercise or movement you accomplished, and keep tabs on your overall mood.

Things to try during the summer holidays:

  • Use daily affirmations – make sure every day starts on a positive note.
  • Explore a new place – take a walk in nature and see what you can find.
  • Sign up to join a club – meet new people with the same interests as you.
  • Create a vision board – what do you want to achieve next?
  • Make a feel-good playlist – dance around your room and have some fun!
  • Cook your favourite meal – practice self-care and be kind to yourself.
  • Write in your journal – reflect on your thoughts and feelings.
  • Watch the sunset – enjoy the long days and warmer weather.

Prepare yourself for the next step

Life is busy for teens and young adults, and it moves at such a fast pace. Let’s face it: so many things could be causing stress right now. These could include academic pressure from school, college or university. Perhaps family life, parents, brothers or sisters and even friends may sometimes test individuals. Then there’s pressure to fit in, unhealthy competition from others and maybe even a romantic love interest. That’s before you’ve added any traumatic events into the mix, plus things that an individual may feel that they’re not very good at. If you don’t allow yourself to take a well-earned break, anxiety and burnout can set in.

Whilst some of that can be avoided by enjoying your holidays, developing a growth mindset can help you through any challenges that come your way. Why not use some of your free time this summer to complete our Reboot Your Resilience programme? Work through each module at your own pace and discover how to build stronger confidence and self-esteem while practising self-care!

For more information on this topic

Listen to our ‘S for Summertime Self-care | Relax in the Holiday Season’ podcast episode.

Z to A of Life Skills Podcast with Mark and Jules Kennedy.

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