How Do I Find My Revision Style?

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed with studying? Does it seem like no matter how much time you spend hitting the books, the information just doesn’t sink in? Well, fear not! In this blog post, we’ll help you discover your revision style and the study methods that work best for you. Yes, studying can actually be fun if you find the right approach! So, let’s dive in and explore revision techniques to suit your learning style.

Left Brain vs. Right brain

We all have different ways of learning, so it’s important to understand your unique learning style. One popular theory that can be helpful in understanding this is the concept of left-brain and right-brain dominance. Now, don’t worry, we won’t get too technical here. Essentially, the left brain is associated with logical thinking, analysis, and language processing, while the right brain is about creativity, intuition, and visual processing. But remember, these are broad categories, and most people have a combination of both.

Revision Techniques for Different Learning Styles

Certain revision techniques may resonate with you more than others depending on your learning style. This is particularly key if you fall under the neurodiverse umbrella, such as having dyslexia, ADHD or Autism. Everyone is different, so your learning style needs will differ too. Just because your friend can revise one way, doesn’t mean that that method works for you, too. 

So, let’s explore different learning styles, and you can find out which style suits you best.

1. Visual Learners

If you’re a visual learner, your brain loves to feast on visuals, graphics, and diagrams. Incorporating visual elements into your revision can be highly beneficial. So, here are a few revision techniques that could work wonders for you:

  • Mind Mapping: Create colourful mind maps or diagrams to visually connect and organise your ideas. It’s like creating your very own visual roadmap of knowledge!
  • Flashcards: Create flashcards with bold, eye-catching visuals and concise key points. Flip through them to reinforce your memory.

2. Auditory Learners

If you retain information better through listening and speaking, you’re likely an auditory learner. Here are some revision techniques that might suit you.

  • Recorded Summaries: Try recording yourself summarising key information and playing it back to cement the information in your brain. 
  • Study Groups or Discussions: Engage in group discussions to talk through the material, explain concepts to others, and hear different perspectives.

3. Kinaesthetic Learners

If you remember information through hands-on experiences, you are likely a kinaesthetic learner. So, incorporating physical movement and tactile elements can increase your information recall.

  • Role-Playing: Try acting out scenarios or simulate real-life examples related to the subject matter. It’s like you are bringing the subject to life.
  • Use touch: Get your hands on objects or models to physically interact with concepts and understand them better. Building and manipulating things while studying can make the information stick in your mind.

Try using different study techniques to find out which ones suits you best. It may be that you don’t fit just one method. For example, you may be a ‘visual’ and ‘auditory’ learner, so you can use both methods when trying to study. So, try various learning techniques and adapt your revision style to suit you. 

Embracing Neurodiversity in Study Techniques

In addition to finding your personal study style, if you are neurodiverse, it is also worth exploring the accommodations available to you. For example, you may be eligible for getting extra time in exams or being given alternative exam formats. You may be able to get a study aid or a quiet place to study, so that you are in the right environment to suit your study style. Contact your school or university to see what accommodations you may be eligible for. 

Smarten Your Study

If you’re looking for more tips and techniques to supercharge your study skills, take a look at our Smarten Your Study book. This interactive book provides simple and fun ideas to enhance independent learning, study and revision. It’s time to find your study style, make revision more fun and turn the ‘I can’t’ into ‘I can’!

Remember, studying should never feel like a chore. By understanding your learning style, exploring different techniques, and embracing what works best for you, you’ll transform your study sessions into exciting and productive adventures. So go and discover the revision style that ignites your passion for knowledge!

For more information on this topic

Listen to our ‘S for Study Styles | Make Learning Fun’ podcast episode

Z to A of Life Skills Podcast with Mark and Jules Kennedy.

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