Finding Your Purpose When You’re Not Sure Where to Begin

Figuring out what you want to do with your life, and finding your purpose can feel like a massive challenge. For some, the future seems so far away that it’s hard to even know where to start. For others, the pressure of choosing a path and setting goals can feel overwhelming. Maybe you have a ton of different interests and the idea of narrowing them down seems impossible. Or maybe you think your purpose has to be tied to a job or making money, and you haven’t considered that purpose can be more personal. It could be about living a life that makes you happy, gives you freedom, or allows you to grow.

Feeling uncertain is totally normal, but figuring out your purpose is a valuable step toward building the life you want. Having a sense of purpose helps you make decisions, gives you direction, and can lead to more confidence and fulfilment. In this blog, we’ll help you explore how to find your purpose, even if you’re not sure where to begin.

From the outside, it can seem like everyone knows exactly what they’re doing, but the truth is, a lot of people are still searching for their purpose, even later in life. It’s completely okay if you don’t know exactly what you want to do yet. In fact, it’s normal!

How to Find Your Purpose

For the sake of this blog, we are looking at purpose as something you can do in life, potentially as a career. But a purpose can mean so much more than that! First of all, your purpose doesn’t have to be just about a job or career. It can be anything that brings you joy, whether that’s in your work, personal life, or even something as simple as pursuing a passion. Maybe your purpose is to just enjoy life or to live on your own terms. It could be to stay fit and healthy, have a family, or taste every crisp flavour on the planet. It may not even be achievable, but rather a way of living that gives you satisfaction knowing that you are doing what you want to do – meant to do, even.

You might have one big purpose, or several smaller ones that evolve over time and that’s perfectly okay. If you don’t have everything figured out yet, don’t stress! A lot of people your age haven’t discovered what lights them up yet. Some people may have so many interests, trying to narrow down the options feels overwhelming. The key is to start exploring your interests and values, and over time, you’ll start to see what really matters to you.

What Sparks Joy?

If you are searching for a purpose in life, start somewhere easy and ask yourself: what is it you enjoy? There may be certain things that you are interested in or curious about. So, what interests or hobbies do you have? You may find that through a hobby, you have developed a skill that can be useful in a career, or that you have an interest in an industry that you can directly become involved in. Take our passion project as an example, Kennedy Authors! We enjoy writing and helping others with useful guides and techniques, so we have created a collection of books as part of our business!

When thinking about perusing a job based on your hobbies or interests, you must really consider whether that is something you want. Work often involves more responsibilities, demands and pressure whereas hobbies are about having fun and taking care of your wellbeing. Sometimes turning something that you like doing into something that you do for work can diminish the spark that was initially there. However, there are ways around that. You could take breaks from certain projects or have it as job on the side. Unfortunately, interests don’t always equal careers. The only way you’ll ever know, however, is by trying! Give it a shot and see how well it goes; you can always try something else if things don’t go as well as you’d hoped.

What Matters to You?

This requires deeper reflection into your values and morals. Remember, you are trying to find your purpose. Think about the things that you believe in and that mean a lot to you. What do you want from life? Are there certain things you feel passionately about? Focusing on the things that truly matter to you can help you feel more motivated, excited and fulfilled within the life you are living. For many people, success plays a big role within their purpose. This can mean something different to everyone – you may want to master a skill, achieve a certain result or be seen as an expert in a specific area.

Some of you may have strong feelings on important subjects, such as the environment. These beliefs may help you determine the type of company you choose to work for or the role you want to go into. Your purpose might be about the positive effect you want to have. Picture the best version of you, would they be working somewhere they feel is unethical to them or not worth their time? No, your best self is doing something that matters to you! And it doesn’t have to be grand like saving the world; there is value in all things that you can do.

Old and New Experiences

We’ve explored the emotional aspect of finding your purpose but let’s get practical. What skills and experiences do you currently have at your disposal? And be generous to yourself, you’ll likely have more than you initially think! You may find that your purpose is in what you are already doing or have learned and can pursue further.

Maybe even parts of what you enjoyed or valued can be found, allowing you to explore new experiences and learn new skills. Whether that is through trying new hobbies, studying a new course, or doing volunteer work. And if you are completely unsure, with nothing from your past to go from, just explore any new experience you can! Even if it’s a small curiosity, indulge yourself and see if you come out loving it or ready to move on to the next thing!

It’s Okay Not to Have It All Figured Out

It may take some time to realise what your life purpose is, and there is no rush. What’s important is that you start exploring your passions and interests. Finding a purpose isn’t about having every step planned out perfectly. It’s about having something that motivates and excites you.

The more you explore and try new things, the more you’ll discover what truly matters to you. Purpose and passion will help guide you through the ups and downs of life, giving you the confidence to keep moving forward – even when things don’t go according to plan. So, take your time, stay curious, and remember it’s okay to not have all the answers right now. Your purpose will come into focus as you grow!

For more information on this topic

Listen to our ‘P is for Purpose and Passion | Find Your Why in Life’ podcast episode.

Z to A of Life Skills Podcast with Mark and Jules Kennedy.

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