Creating a Vision for Your Future

Seeing the ideal future can come to some people as naturally as looking out the window, with the ideal career and pathway to go for it. But others may find themselves lost in a fog, unable to see farther than the next day or week. With so much pressure as a student at any stage, it can be hard to consider what should come next. But by asking ourselves a few questions, considering what we truly want, we can begin to clear through that fog!

What Do You Want Your Future to Look Like? 

Before you ask yourself that, start by making a list of what interests you! What are your passions, a subject or talent you wish to explore further? Skills you currently have which can aid you in the future. If nothing comes to you that is satisfying, broaden your horizon. Don’t hesitate because you haven’t done anything towards it or have no skill yet in that area, you have time for that later. 

Personal development is part of planning for the future, we are not always 100% ready to achieve what we want. Don’t feel dissuaded by how long it may take to reach your ideal future. Also, be free to pick what you want and not what you feel is expected. As some may strive for a career with an increasing income, others aspire to passion projects while still living in comfort. You alone can define what your future should look like. 

Creating the Strategy

To achieve the big goal of your ideal future, you first need to break it down into milestones and achievable goals. Through this, you can get a deeper understanding of the road ahead, how to grow into the position through personal development, and consider the timeframe this will take.  

Consider education, will you be leaving secondary school for apprenticeships or working towards a university degree? Perhaps you are already on the road to your future, and it is a matter of finding ways you can improve, what changes and improvements can be made. If you need help breaking all this down, check out our free Goal Setting Grid

Goal Setting Grid Toolbox Tool

It Doesn’t Matter When You Start 

It does not matter whether you are still halfway through your GCSE courses or have completed university, there is always time to think and even rethink your ideal future. As university students, there is a lot of financial, academic, and emotional pressure that makes achieving a degree so hard. And even harder when you ask yourself, is this what you really want?  

Studying and building up to one direction and realising this is not the path for you is natural. Just because you have committed your time and energy to one road does not mean you cannot restart and go a different direction. You have skills and experience that can be transferred, as well as time to learn new ones. Don’t be afraid to rethink your ideal future and remake your strategy! 

Creating a Vision for Your Future

Having an idea of the future is a powerful tool for motivation, something to strive to and work hard for. Keep a positive attitude as you grow into the person you want to be, remember to care for yourself and take breaks along the way. While it is good to have a vision of the future, don’t forget to live in the present!

For more information on this topic

Listen to our ‘V is for Vision For Your Future’ podcast episode.

Z to A of Life Skills Podcast with Mark and Jules Kennedy.

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