E is for Evolve

Are you in control of your future? It is a good idea to reflect on who you are, and where you want to be in life. Life is a journey, and becoming a better person is an everyday goal. The desire to become the best version of yourself is a natural human aspiration. While you […]

N is for Nice – Be Nice for the Sake of Being Nice

A photo of a man and a woman sitting next to each other on an airplane smiling at the nice air hostess.

Today’s world is full of opportunities to be negative and knock someone else’s achievements, viewpoints, status etc. The question is, why? Doesn’t creating harmony, positivity and celebration seem a better way to move things forward. A few years ago, we flew home from a backpacking trip around India. Our seats were in the centre aisle […]

B is for Build Your Brand

A photo of a person holding a book with the words' Brand Building' on the cover.

Do you want to stand out from the crowd?  With the summer in full swing and the exam season over, it is the perfect time to do something for you and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It is good to enjoy a break, but instead of idly lounging by the pool or spending […]

C is for Continuous Learning

In the fast-paced world we live in, where time flies and deadlines loom, it’s easy to get caught up in the routine of our daily lives. However, every day presents you with a unique chance to expand your knowledge and skills by continuously learning. It gives you the freedom to change your story, thoughts, and […]

R is for Reflect

As we find ourselves at the halfway point of the year, it’s time to kick back, take a breather, and reflect on all we’ve done so far. Now that the exam period is over, we can indulge in some quality me-time and contemplate what we’ve accomplished and what we could do differently moving forward. What […]

B is for Breathe – Take a moment to pause

As the exam season draws to a close, the pressure and stress building up may be starting to disappear. During the hustle and bustle of last-minute cramming and the intense desire for success, it’s crucial to remember the significance of taking a moment to pause and breathe. The demands of exams and academic deadlines can […]

C is for Cheerleader – Be Your Own Cheerleader

This image shows a Cheerleader jumping up high in the air with pompoms in her hands in celebration. The Blog category title 'The Z to A of life Skills' is written over the image.

I bet you take time to celebrate the big achievements or major milestones in your life, but do you celebrate your small wins? The little victories often go unnoticed, but they have a huge impact on your personal journey. Celebrating the small wins will help you to achieve your larger goals and to focus on […]

M is for Marathon – Mental Marathon

As we find ourselves in the midst of June, it’s hard to believe that we have reached the year’s halfway mark! This passage of time can be both exhilarating and overwhelming, especially if we haven’t achieved the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. You might be trying to achieve a goal […]

B is for Believe in Yourself

The power to believe in yourself lies within you. It’s time to unlock that potential and embrace it in every situation. Whether you’re struggling with mental health, facing daunting exams, or striving to achieve a goal, believing in your ability to get through it is important. Self-belief can have a transformative impact on your life, so […]

P is for Prepared, Not Scared

Fear is a natural response to the unknown, but it shouldn’t be allowed to dictate our lives. Instead of succumbing to fear, we can choose to be prepared. Being prepared and not scared is a proactive approach. Adopting this mindset and planning ahead, you can identify coping mechanisms that can make you feel more in […]